Czecho-Slovak Convention 2025 Registration

Dear friends, as of today it is possible to pre-register for our convention, which will take place 16th - 18th May 2025.

You can pre-register by the payment with the following bank account number SK25 8330 0000 0028 0312 1163 or QR code.
The price for pre-registration is €14,- and the price for on-site registration is €16,-. In the note for the recipient you need to indicate your first and last name.

Without your details it will not be possible to identify the sender of the payment at the entrance to the convention.
Pre-registration is possible until 15 May 2025. If you have any questions, please contact us at:

For a quick and easy payment, simply scan this QR code in your banking app:

QR Kód

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